Will this PCS ever end?!

I have felt lately like this PCS will never end.  I have an apartment but can’t move in yet & I have a husband but can’t see him yet… There’s lots of little details missing in my life since moving north but those are the two for which my patience has grown most thin. I packed so minimally for this move. Litterally this is what … Continue reading Will this PCS ever end?!

15 days

15 days: I think I have determined that is the number of days I can go without missing my husband and without feeling homeless. I have only 15 more days until I move into my house, 15 more days till John flies up here. I’m trying to stay strong in my desire to live with a positive outlook… but lately it’s been hard.  Work is … Continue reading 15 days

1 Week Down!

Hello Lovelies, I’ve been in Seattle now just short of 1 week.  Everything has been so nice here!!!! As of this moment I am watching the misty drizzle falling outside from the comfort of a LGBTQ community center and coffee house.  Work is wonderful, by taking the job here I switched from an operations role {mostly working with staff management and numbers} to a creative … Continue reading 1 Week Down!